“Formal or informal oversight for these recommendations and others should rest with an individual or team that shall work in a collaborative manner with the executive branch to advance efficiencies.” Policy Foundation, Arkansas Efficiency Project, Recommendation #20, 3Q-2016
(December 2016) Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson launched phase two of the state government Efficiency Project by naming Amy Fecher to head his new Office of Transformation. The Office will “drive the implementation of state efficiencies and streamline state operations” using ideas from the Project’s first phase, launched in December 2015 at the Policy Foundation’s 20th anniversary recognition reception for citizen volunteers.
“The Governor’s Office of Transformation will prioritize efficiencies such as formulating a statewide strategic plan, centralizing state services and increasing utilization of online services and citizen participation,” according to a press release from Gov. Hutchinson’s office.
The Policy Foundation delivered two reports to Gov. Hutchinson in 3Q-2016 at the conclusion of the Efficiency Project’s first phase. The reports followed a nine-month review of state government that identified 184 efficiency initiatives at state agencies. The reports identified $50-to-$250 million in potential savings identified by Arkansas citizen volunteers and a national management consulting firm.
Ms. Fecher is executive vice president of operations for the Arkansas Economic Development Commission (AEDC) and Delta Regional Authority governor’s designee, according to the release.
“I am delighted to announce the establishment of the Office of Transformation to identify potential state efficiencies and implement cost-savings. Increasing efficiencies to conserve state resources is the best way to return money to the pockets of hard-working taxpayers and deliver better state services to Arkansans,” Gov. Hutchinson said.
Gov. Hutchinson noted Ms. Fecher is “experienced in state government reorganization.” Her “experience will provide valuable insight and direction as we strive to increase savings, modernize operations and reduce excessive bureaucracy.”
A Policy Foundation report recommended “an individual” should work “in a collaborative manner with the executive branch to advance efficiencies.”